• Feb 2, 2022

You might know what is roofing and which roofing service you want for your home, but not many people know precisely how homeowners insurance works. For example, homeowners insurance can cover roof leaks, but just those caused accidentally or by natural phenomena like storms, high winds, and hail. Also, homeowners insurance doesn't cover slow leaks due to their carelessness towards maintenance.

  • Jan 14, 2022

Seasons change, and it affects the roofs. So, like you change your attire during warmer climates, it's essential to update your roof as well. If you are in a city of United States like Philadelphia, you must consider adjusting your roof to the hot climate to prevent damages. However, it can be pretty challenging to choose a material that suits the shape and exteriors of your house. Therefore, continue reading this blog as we list the 10 best roofing materials for warmer climates.